Leaders can only lead willing, preferably zealous followers so don't get too far out in front of your team.
Nick MorganThe conscious mind is easily overwhelmed. The unconscious mind is vast and far more powerful, but by definition we're not aware of it.
Nick MorganYou have to learn to trust - and listen to - your unconscious mind. If you pose the question to your unconscious "is this person a friend or a foe" - safe or a threat - your unconscious mind is hard-wired to assess that brilliantly for you. It's just that we're not very good at paying attention to what our unconscious minds are telling us.
Nick MorganThere are four different kinds of power in a communication: position power (the CEO talking to her direct reports), emotion power (passion sometimes rules the day), expertise (people often listen to the most knowledgeable person in the room), and conversational power (the subtlest, this is the ability to direct the conversation through body language).
Nick Morgan