Wisdom means that it gives you detachment, detachment from all that is selfishness, self-centredness, self-obsession, ego - all connected with self.
Nirmala SrivastavaEnlightenment of your brain means the limited capacity of your brain has to become unlimited in its capacity to realize God.
Nirmala SrivastavaThe Spirit which is within you is a collective being and once you are awakened into the light of Spirit, you become a collective being. That means, on your finger tips you can feel the centers of others also as you can feel yourself. By knowing yourself you know the self knowledge, the inner self knowledge and by knowing others you are in collective consciousness.
Nirmala SrivastavaSo our ego has to be seen. It is to be watched in a witness state, how it works and how it tries to dissuade us from the right path of movement. One has to be only careful on that point because that is the last centre which has to be opened out. Once it is completely open, you are one with the Divine and all your problems will be solved because these problems are so frivolous and have no meaning.
Nirmala Srivastava