You cannot intellectualize God, you cannot, He is beyond your intellect, you cannot understand Him through your intellect. If you have to understand Him you have to become the spirit.
Nirmala SrivastavaNow to understand the significance of chastity within us, we have to know that chastity is the foundation of all dharmas. Unless and until you have sense of chastity you cannot have dharma.
Nirmala SrivastavaNow the best thing is to put attention to your Spirit. If you start putting your attention to Spirit, the sweetness of the Spirit itself will make the whole thing very sweet and beautiful.
Nirmala SrivastavaYou have to establish your love. You should feel a hankering for others. Now the competition has to change, the style of competition among Sahaja Yogis. The competition should be how much you love. Who loves more ? Let there be a competition who obliges more, who shares more ? Who loves others more ?
Nirmala Srivastava