The Fomorians skittered backward, away from me, looking justifiably confused. I mean, really, how many human women actually run to them? And I was a human woman covered in swamp yuck, with wild red hair sticking out in matted hunks and arms flailing like a demented Bride of Frankenstein. I'd run from me.
P. C. CastNice dress Zoey. It looks just like mine. Oh, wait! It used to be mine. Aphrodite laughed a throaty, I'm-so-grown-and-you're-just-a-kid laugh. I really hate it when girls do that.I mean, yes, she's older, but I have boobs, too.
P. C. CastCan you imagine a demon auction? Serial killer going once...twice...sold to the drama queen at the corner.
P. C. Cast