But everything is relative, Bertie... You, for instance, are my relative, and I am your relative.
P. G. WodehouseJeeves, you really are a specific dream-rabbit." "Thank you, miss. I am glad to have given satisfaction.
P. G. WodehouseIt is not the being paid money in advance that jars the sensitive artist: it is the having to work.
P. G. WodehouseIt was a nasty look. It made me feel as if I were something the dog had brought in and intended to bury later on, when he had time.
P. G. WodehouseMen capable of governing empires fail to control a small white ball, which presents no difficulties whetever to others with one ounce more brain than a cuckoo clock. I wish to goodness I knew the man who invented this infernal game. I'd strangle him. But I suppose he's been dead for ages. Still, I could go and jump on his grave.
P. G. Wodehouse