The Republican convention, an event with the intellectual content of a Guns'n'Roses lyric attended by every ofay insurance brokerin America who owns a pair of white shoes.
P. J. O'RourkeRemember, your body needs 6 to 8 glasses of fluid daily. Straight up or on the rocks.
P. J. O'RourkeThe real alternative to power of the rich is not power of the poor. It's just plain power.
P. J. O'RourkeIn Western Australia they don't even know how to make that vital piece of sailboating equipment, the gin and tonic.
P. J. O'RourkeThis going on and on about how terrible a carbon-based economy is, these people are full of crap. They don't know what they're talking about. Their motives are not necessarily good just because they say they are being good. It's peace, love, and understanding. To which I can just say, "Shut up." Human liberty, rule of law, and free markets fix this stuff. It isn't necessary to go around being the Mia Farrow of the ecosphere.
P. J. O'Rourke