'Constitutional' is just a real pip of a word. Positively rolls off the tongue. In fact, it's downright fun to say. 'Con-stit-too-shun-al.' It's the verbal equivalent of skipping down the street with an ice cream cone in your hand. It's like a semantic bag of Lays potato chips. You simply can't just say it once.
Paul FeigI have an inability to enjoy things, but that's why we're in comedy. If we were happy, we wouldn't be funny, I guess.
Paul FeigWhere there seems to be a difference between guys being nuts and women being nuts is that guys are much more open in calling each other on stuff; lots of insults and dirty names. Whereas women will talk frankly and honesty, but there also seems to be more passive aggressiveness.
Paul FeigI've always enjoyed people studying themselves in the mirror, and I also enjoy those 'walk and feel bad' shots. I like anything that isolates people and focuses them on themselves, or makes us focus on their faces as they're going through something.
Paul FeigI can't impress enough upon people that if you tell an honest story that people relate to and people believe and invest in, you can do anything.
Paul Feig