Looking at the past must only be a means of understanding more clearly what and who they are so that they can more wisely build the future.
Paulo FreireThis is the sense in which I am obliged to be a listener. To listen to the student's doubts, fears, and incompetencies that are part of the learning process. It is in listening to the student that I learn to speak with him or her.
Paulo FreireThe revolutionary's role is to liberate, and to be liberated, with the people--not to win them over.
Paulo FreireOne of the methods of manipulation is to inoculate individuals with the bourgeois appetite for personal success.
Paulo FreireEducation as the practice of freedom--as opposed to education as the practice of domination--denies that man is abstract, isolated, independent and unattached to the world; it also denies that the world exists as reality apart from people. Authentic reflection considers neither abstract man nor the world without people, but people in their relations with the world. In these relations consciousness and world are simultaneous: consciousness neither precedes the world nor follows it.
Paulo Freire