It is imperative that the entire Christian community in the United States come to realize the grave threats to the Church's public moral witness presented by a militant atheism which finds increasing expression in the political and cultural spheres. The seriousness of these threats needs to be clearly appreciated at every level of ecclesial life.
Pope Benedict XVI[The atheist believes] a world marked by so much injustice, innocent suffering, and cynicism of power cannot be the work of a good God.
Pope Benedict XVIAt the judgment, in response to our questions, the Lord will show us his wounds, and we will understand. In the meantime, however, he simply expects us to stand by him and to believe what these wounds tell us, even though we cannot work right through the logic of this world.
Pope Benedict XVIEach of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each of us is necessary.
Pope Benedict XVI