But you too, help one another: help one another always. One another. In this way, by helping one another, we will do some good.
Pope FrancisTo be good Christians you have to contemplate the suffering humanity of Jesus. "How can we bear witness? Contemplate Jesus. How can we forgive? Contemplate Jesus suffering. How can we not hate our neighbor? Contemplate Jesus suffering. How can we avoid gossiping about our neighbor? Contemplate Jesus suffering. There is no other way". These virtues are the those of the Father, who forgives us always, and Our Lady, Our Mother, shares in these virtues too.
Pope FrancisThere is another form of poverty! It is the spiritual poverty of our time, which afflicts the so-called richer countries particularly seriously.
Pope FrancisThe one who listens attentively to the Word of God and truly prays, always asks the Lord: what is your will for me?
Pope FrancisCan we who have had the joy of knowing that we are not orphans, that we have a Father, be indifferent to this city which asks of us, perhaps even unwittingly, without being aware of it, a hope that will help it look to the future with greater confidence and serenity? We cannot remain indifferent. . . . Words without witness are hot air. Words do not suffice. It must be the true witness that Paul speaks of.
Pope Francis