It is now, more than ever, necessary that political leaders be outstanding for honesty, integrity and commitment to the common good. Thus will they be able to marshal the moral resources needed to face the demands of the present, and to pass on to coming generations a society of authentic justice, solidarity and peace.
Pope FrancisThis is the mission of every Christian: lumina pandit - to spread the light and to tell the world of God's love.
Pope FrancisThe blood of our Christian brothers and sisters is a testimony which cries out to be heard by everyone who can still distinguish between good and evil.
Pope FrancisMiracles happen. But prayer is needed! Prayer that is courageous, struggling and persevering, not prayer that is a mere formality.
Pope FrancisWhen we are generous in welcoming people and sharing something with them-some food, a place in our homes, our time-not only do we no longer remain poor: we are enriched. I am well aware that when someone needing food knocks at your door, you always find a way of sharing food; as the proverb says, one can always 'add more water to the beans'! Is it possible to add more water to the beans?...Always?...And you do so with love, demonstrating that true riches consist not in materials things, but in the heart!
Pope Francis