Ethical dilemmas have a way of sneaking up on a person. If something smells funny, stay away from it. Or help get rid of it.
Price PritchettAs tough as it sometimes looks on the front end, it's easier to do right than undo wrong.
Price PritchettWe can't win the struggle for high standards if we just talk a good game . . . we've got to play a good game.
Price PritchettBut when we get enough people who don't care, and who don't accept personal responsibility for high ethical standards, our organization gets the "M" disease. Mediocrity. Anybody in the place can be a carrier. By the same token, every individual can carry the cure: the ethics of excellence.
Price PritchettNarrow life down to what's precious and necessary. In a world of complexity the best weapon is simplicity.
Price PritchettWe can't achieve excellence through talent alone. Or merely by making technological improvements. We can't even buy our way to excellence, no matter how much money we have available to spend. More dollars will never do it. We have to develop a strong corporate conscience. Ethical muscle. And that doesn't happen by accident either.
Price Pritchett