Man is constantly being assured that he has more power than ever before in history, but his daily experience is one of powerlessness. ... If he is with a business organization, the odds are great that he has sacrificed every other kind of independence in return for that dubious one known as financial.
Richard M. WeaverNo society is healthy which tells its members to take no thought of the morrow because the state underwrites their future.
Richard M. WeaverWe approach a condition in which we shall be amoral without the capacity to perceive it and degraded without the means to measure our descent.
Richard M. WeaverThe prevailing attitude towards nature is that form of heresy which denies substance and, in doing so, denies the rightfulness of creation. We have said - to the point of repletion, perhaps - that man is not to take his patterns from nature; but neither is he to waste himself in seeking to change her face.
Richard M. Weaver