If I don't have the books to read, if I don't have the information to study, how can I succeed? That's a lot of the stuff I would focus on if I was elected because I think knowledge is power.
Richard ShermanYour circumstances don't dictate your future. ... Your circumstances don't limit you.
Richard ShermanAll films created by Walt Disney at the time of his major outpouring of work were carefully crafted to fit scenes, characters, moods and situations. If these elements changed in any way, songs - no matter how good they were - were discarded. Others were written for the new scenes. Many times, character songs were dropped because characters were dropped...sequences were dropped etc.
Richard ShermanI consider every one of the Disney films that Bob & I worked on, to have been the luckiest break any two songwriters could have ever had. They all aimed at quality and timelessness. That's why they live over the years.
Richard Sherman