Next time someone tells me they believe in God, I'll say 'Oh which one? Zeus? Hades? Jupiter? Mars? Odin? Thor? Krishna? Vishnu? Ra?...' If they say 'Just God. I only believe in the one God,' I'll point out that they are nearly as atheistic as me. I don't believe in 2,870 gods, and they don't believe in 2,869.
Ricky GervaisSomeone trying to be funny probably isn't as funny as someone who doesn't want to be funny but is and can't help it. Someone being serious or angry might be funny. If you get angry, the first thing I want to do is laugh because I don't know why you're getting that angry. Pathos makes me laugh, funerals make me laugh.
Ricky GervaisI've never been insulted by hateful satanists for not believing in their devil. Only by loving Christians for not believing in their God.
Ricky GervaisShe said, 'I'm your biggest fan,' and I said, 'Who are you?' She said, 'Paris Hilton.'
Ricky Gervais