It's a long story. Want a refill?" "No, let's start the steak. Where's the button?" "Right here." "Well, push it." "Me? You offered to cook." "Ben Caxton, I will lie here and starve before I will get up to push a button six inches from your finger" "As you wish." He pressed the button. "But don't forget who cooked dinner.
Robert A. HeinleinThere is no such thing as luck; there is only adequate or inadequate preparation to cope with a statistical universe.
Robert A. HeinleinBut space travel can't ease the pressure on a planet grown too crowded not even with today's ships and probably not with any future ships-because stupid people won't leave the slopes of their home volcano even when it starts to smoke and rumble. What space travel does do is drain off the best brains: those smart enough to see a catastrophe before it happens, and with the guts to pay the price-abandon home, wealth, friends, relatives, everything-and go. That's a tiny fraction of one percent. But that's enough.
Robert A. HeinleinMen rarely if ever dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.
Robert A. HeinleinPain is the basic mechanism built into us by millions of years of evolution which safeguards us by warning when something threatens our survival.
Robert A. Heinlein