Desire, instead of being an obstacle to an inspired and fulfilled life, is the very thing that propels you toward it.
Rod StrykerWhen yoga is understood in its totality, it is neither a form of exercise, nor is it an esoteric philosophy or religion; it is a practical and comprehensive science for realizing life's ultimate aims.
Rod StrykerFew things are more powerful than learning to trust that your path to a fulfilled life - and the glorious destiny that you are meant to share with the world - is part of your soul's blueprint.
Rod StrykerWe are already complete. All we need is the clarity to recognize the wholeness that is us.
Rod StrykerThank you, restlessness, as challenging a traveling companion as there could be. In the end, my embrace of you was what sent me on the only search that really counts. Responding to you was the stirring that led me to sit every morning and to venture into that invisible terrain where seeker and sought merge and rest together, once and for all eternity.
Rod Stryker