Once you know yourself as a genuine seeker, and when your own inner chamber is quite enlightened, then comes the natural unfoldment of pure love and compassion and a genuine desire to serve others.
Rod StrykerAccording to the yoga tradition, fear is the source of disease, decay - physical harm, when we're not thriving. And then finally, it's even the cause of death.
Rod StrykerFew things are more powerful than learning to trust that your path to a fulfilled life - and the glorious destiny that you are meant to share with the world - is part of your soul's blueprint.
Rod StrykerBeing able to recognize which of your desires are vital to pursue and which ones are not is often less than easy. This is precisely why the ancient sages counseled that we practice yoga. Their point was a very practical one: You are best able to discern which of your many desires should (and should not) be responded to when your mind is calm and tranquil.
Rod Stryker