The only thing we all agree on, virtually every poet in this country, is that this Administration is really frightening, and we want something done about it.
Sam HamillNothing will change until we demolish the "we-they" mentality. We are human, and therefore all human concerns are ours. And those concerns are personal.
Sam HamillIt would be nice if all the Republicans could put poetry in a little box and put the box under the bed and sit on it, but they can't.
Sam HamillIf only we could touch the things of this world at their center, if we could only hear tiny leaves of birch struggling toward April, then we would know.
Sam HamillI was a violent, self-destructive teenager, who was adopted right at the end of World War II. I was lied to and abused by my parents. I hated life in Utah. I resented the Mormon Church, its sense of superiority and its certitude. I escaped through the Beat writers and discovered poetry and have devoted my entire life to the practice of poetry in varying ways. Poetry gave me a reason for being. And I'm not exaggerating when I say that.
Sam HamillHo Kyuns poetry is in the tradition of his master, the incomparable Tu Fu, while remaining fully his own. Writing nine centuries later, Hos poetry strikes many parallels--the experiences of war and exile and constant struggle-- and his voice is similarly humane. This is rich and enlightening reading.
Sam Hamill