When you're following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves.
Shakti GawainIt isn't necessary to be perfect to be a channel for the universe. You just have to be real- be yourself. The more real, honest, and spontaneous you are, the more freely the creative force can flow through you.
Shakti GawainAs we begin to love and appreciate ourselves as we are, our channels open and we access the infinite vitality of life force.
Shakti GawainMuch of the Western world emphasizes rationality and reason, but overlooks or ignores the enormous value of intuition and instinctive wisdom.
Shakti GawainIn many other cultures, and certainly in the Eastern world, there's great value put on being, contemplating, and even withdrawing from the world at certain times or for certain periods of time. But we don't really have that in our culture, so it's difficult for many Westerners to learn how to sit down or lie down and just be quiet without going to sleep. We're just not trained to do it.
Shakti Gawain