You cannot change the past but you can start now and lay the foundation for the future.
Sharon GannonIf we want to consider the sanctity of life in deciding what to eat, the choice is clear. Eating a plant based diet causes less harm, to ourselves, to the other animals, to the planet.
Sharon GannonFarm animals, like dairy cows - who by nature are vegans - are routinely force-fed fish to increase their weight and milk production.
Sharon GannonWe enslave, torture and then slaughter animals to eat them, then when we eventually become sick from that we enslave, torture and kill more animals in laboratories in the hopes of creating drugs to enable us to continue with our animal-abusive lifestyle! Few of us look to the future (i.e., to our parents and grandparents), see the effects of an omnivorous lifestyle, and opt out of it before it makes us sick.
Sharon Gannon