We apply our effort to be mindful, to be aware in this very moment, right here and now, and we bring a very wholehearted effort to it. This brings concentration. It is this power of concentration that we use to cut through the world of surface appearances to get to a much deeper reality.
Sharon SalzbergMy experience working with lots of creative people is that they don't lose their artistic edge when they lose a fierce level of anguish. They just create from a different place.
Sharon SalzbergCompassion grows in us when we know how the energy of love is available all around us.
Sharon SalzbergOur practice rather than being about killing the ego is about simply discovering our true nature.
Sharon SalzbergI prefer to think of faith, as Coleridge says of poetry, not as the taking up of belief but as "the willing suspension of disbelief". . . a willingness to be open, to explore, to investigate.
Sharon Salzberg