I am totally amazed at the spread of interest in meditation. When I first came back from studying in India in 1974, I would be asked in social situations what I did. When I replied, "I teach meditation" they would frequently look at me as though to say "That is weird," and sort of sidle away.
Sharon SalzbergIt is because of that balanced relationship to the moment that mindfulness serves as the platform for insight... if we feel an emotion, for example, and struggle against it right away, there is not going to be a lot of learning going on. In the same way, if we are swamped by that emotion, overcome by it, there won't be enough space for there to be learning or insight.
Sharon SalzbergEven on the spiritual path, we have things we'll tend to cover up or be in denial about.
Sharon SalzbergThe key to cultivating confidence in ourselves is understanding our right to make the truth our own.
Sharon Salzberg