It’s a responsibility that I take most seriously, so excuse me for banning you from killing them because you have reverse PMS. (Acheron) Reverse PMS? (Artemis) Yeah, unlike a normal woman, you’re cranky twenty-eight days out of the month. (Acheron)
Sherrilyn KenyonI won’t die like this again. (Zarek) Backbone. How I love it. But not as much as I love sucking the marrow from it. (Thanatos)
Sherrilyn KenyonYeah, and Mr. Cuddles is a jealous sort. He doesn’t share us well. (Geary) Does this mean I’ll have to fight him? (Arik) You’d never win. Mr. Cuddles cheats. You think he’s just a pushover teddy bear, but he’s vicious, I tell you. Vicious. (Geary)
Sherrilyn KenyonHow many demons and people are enslaved here? (Jericho) Define slavery. (Asmodeus) Kept against their will. (Jericho) Good definition. Counting me? (Asmodeus) Why not? (Jericho) Probably a couple of million…you know it’s really hard to count to a million, plus they’re always dying and new ones are coming in. I tried to count once, but it got really depressing so I stopped. The constant adding and subtracting. Not my forte, really. (Asmodeus)
Sherrilyn Kenyon