Firms that fully embrace the needs and interests of the whole person will win today's competition for the best talent.
Stewart D. FriedmanAt the individual level, you need to examine what you truly value, share this with key stakeholders in various life domains both to get feedback and support, and then to experiment with new ways of doing things so that - over the arc of a life - you can achieve harmony and have more of what it is that you uniquely want out of life.
Stewart D. FriedmanYoung men now want to be caregivers as well as earners so they have joined with women in demanding a different compact at work; they want flex and time for family too.
Stewart D. FriedmanManaging the boundaries between work and the rest of our lives - family, community, and the private self - is now a much more daunting task. The good news is that there are ways to realize the promise of greater focus and presence on the moment for better performance and results, but it does take discipline and practice to get there.
Stewart D. Friedman