...when I came back, I found Mom sobbing at the kitchen table...Then I asked her what had happened. 'Nothing,'she said. 'I was thinking about that man...I started thinking about...if he and his wife and their other child are okay, and I don't know. It just got to me.' 'I know,' I said, because I did know. Sometimes it's safer to cry about people you don't know than to think about people you really love.
Susan Beth PfefferOne of the more gratifying things about guilt is that it makes us feel important.
Susan Beth PfefferThe electricity came on for the second time today wile we were eating. This may be a fool's paradise, but it's a paradise nonetheless.
Susan Beth PfefferMom, is the world coming to an end?" Jonny asked, picking up the plate of cookies and ramming one into his mouth. "No, it isn'T," Mom said, folding her lawn chair and carrying it to the front of the house. "And yes, you do have to go to school tomorrow.
Susan Beth Pfeffer