One of the more gratifying things about guilt is that it makes us feel important.
Susan Beth PfefferEven the rats are drowning,' Alex said. Nah,' Kevin said. 'They've been taking swimming lessons at the Y.
Susan Beth PfefferThe electricity came on for the second time today wile we were eating. This may be a fool's paradise, but it's a paradise nonetheless.
Susan Beth PfefferI guess I always felt even if the world came to an end, McDonald's would still be open.
Susan Beth PfefferI'm the one not caring. I'm the one pretending the Earth isn't shattering all around me because I don't want it to be. I don't want to know there was an earthquake in Missouri. I don't want to know the Midwest can die, also, that what's going on isn't just tides and tsunamis. I don't want to have any more to be afraid of. I didn't start this diary for it to be a record of death.
Susan Beth Pfeffer