Many Introverts are also "highly sensitive," which sounds poetic, but is actually a technical term in psychology. If you are a sensitive sort, then you're more apt than the average person to feel pleasantly overwhelmed by Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" or a well-turned phrase or an act of extraordinary kindness. You may be quicker than others to feel sickened by violence and ugliness, and you likely have a very strong conscience.
Susan CainYour tendency to be inward-directed or outward-directed is huge; it governs every part of the way you live and work and love.
Susan CainIn the first study, Grant and his colleagues analyzed data from one of the five biggest pizza chains in the United States. They discovered that the weekly profits of the stores managed by extroverts were 16 percent higher than the profits of those led by introvertsโbut only when the employees were passive types who tended to do their job without exercising initiative. Introverted leaders had the exact opposite results. When they worked with employees who actively tried to improve work procedures, their stores outperformed those led by extroverts by more than 14 percent.
Susan Cain...I also believe that introversion is my greatest strength. I have such a strong inner life that Iโm never bored and only occasionally lonely. No matter what mayhem is happening around me, I know I can always turn inward.
Susan CainINTROVERTS are especially vulnerable to challenges like marital tension, a parentโs death, or abuse. Theyโre more likely than their peers to react to these events with depression, anxiety, and shyness. Indeed, about a quarter of Kaganโs high-reactive kids suffer from some degree of the condition known as โsocial anxiety disorder,โ a chronic and disabling form of shyness.
Susan Cain