When caught in conflict and blame - make a U-turn and shift your attention from blaming thoughts to what's going on emotionally in your body.
Tara BrachAs we free ourselves from the suffering of 'something is wrong with me, 'we trust and express the fullness of who we are.'
Tara BrachIn the process of deeply accepting our own inner experience, instead of being identified with a story of a limited self, we realize the compassion and wakefulness that is our essence.
Tara BrachEven going through the motions is a way of establishing a new relationship with our inner life that is caring and tender, versus one that is judging, distancing or ignoring. This is the beginning of being capable of intimacy with others.
Tara BrachOffer some gesture of kindness to yourself. Sometimes it's just a message, to say: "It's okay. You're going to be okay. We've been through this before." The intention is reassurance, that you are not alone and you can do this. It is the most powerful way to come out of what I call the "trance of unworthiness."
Tara Brach