You don't always find yourself facing audiences who are smiling the whole time. This is natural. As a speaker it is vital to prepare well and believe in what you have to say. You can't please every person in every crowd, but your message can matter much more than if you were only aiming to entertain.
Tara MossIn Speaking Out I do my best to answer those questions I was asked and more, and I provide strategies for how to speak out and keep on speaking out without burning out.
Tara MossWe can't leave the internet to the bullies. You deserve to speak out and be heard just as much as the next man. Don't let bullies silence you. Support others, and make sure you look after yourself.
Tara MossThe reality is that we do not live in a predominantly feminist or 'gender equal' world, and many Australian women are experiencing workplace discrimination, sexual harassment, online abuse or worse, or common forms of casual, everyday sexism. They find themselves dismissed, talked over, ignored or facing backlash for doing the same thing their male colleagues are doing.
Tara MossWe have come a long way, particularly in terms of women becoming more equal under the law. Fortunately, workplace discrimination is now a crime - but unfortunately women still experience it. Fortunately, sexual harassment is now a crime - but unfortunately women still experience it. Fortunately, the assault of women is now a crime - but unfortunately women still experience it. The list goes on.
Tara Moss