The world's urban poor and the illiterate are going to be increasingly disadvantaged and are in danger of being left behind. The web has added a new dimension to the gap between the first world and the developing world. We have to start talking about a human right to connect.
Tim Berners-LeeOn the web the thinking of cults can spread very rapidly and suddenly a cult which was 12 people who had some deep personal issues suddenly find a formula which is very believable.
Tim Berners-LeeIT professionals have a responsibility to understand the use of standards and the importance of making Web applications that work with any kind of device.
Tim Berners-LeeWhat we believe, endorse, agree with, and depend on is representable and, increasingly, represented on the Web. We all have to ensure that the society we build with the Web is the sort we intend.
Tim Berners-LeeThe Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past.
Tim Berners-LeeIt's possible to live without the Web. It's not possible to live without water. But if you've got water, then the difference between somebody who is connected to the Web and is part of the information society, and someone who (is not) is growing bigger and bigger.
Tim Berners-LeeI'm very aware there are lots of other people who are just bright and working just as hard, with just the same dedication to make the world a good place.
Tim Berners-LeeTechnology innovation is starting to explode and having open-source material out there really helps this explosion. You get students and researchers involved and you get people coming through and building start ups based on open source products.
Tim Berners-LeeIt's mine - you can't have it. If you want to use it for something, then you have to negotiate with me. I have to agree, I have to understand what I'm getting in return.
Tim Berners-LeeThe most important thing that was new was the idea of URI-or URL, that any piece of information anywhere should have an identifier, which will allow you to get hold of it.
Tim Berners-LeeThe original idea of the web was that it should be a collaborative space where you can communicate through sharing information.
Tim Berners-LeeI basically wrote the code and the specs and documentation for how the client and server talked to each other.
Tim Berners-LeeOne of the things I like about the computer that I use is that I can write a program on it or I can download a program on to it and run it. That's kind of important to me, and that's also kind of important to the whole future of the internet... obviously a closed platform is a serious brake on innovation.
Tim Berners-Lee