When you have to prove the value of your ideas by persuading other people to pay for them, it clears out an awful lot of woolly thinking.
Tim O'ReillyThe network is opening up some amazing possibilities for us to reinvent content, reinvent collaboration.
Tim O'ReillyThe Lean Startup isn't just about how to create a more successful entrepreneurial business, it's about what we can learn from those businesses to improve virtually everything we do. I imagine Lean Startup principles applied to government programs, to healthcare, and to solving the world's great problems. It's ultimately an answer to the question: How can we learn more quickly what works, and discard what doesn't?
Tim O'ReillyApple is in a position they've been in a lot of times before. They're like Moses showing the way to the promised land, but they don't actually go there.
Tim O'Reilly