It is obvious that humanity faces existential threats of a global nature. They are global in the sense that is not possible to deal with them unless we resort to global governance.
Torbjorn TannsjoI believe that one basic question, what we ought to do, period (the moral question), is a genuine one. There exists a true answer to it, which is independent of our thought and conceptualisation.
Torbjorn TannsjoThere are some particular moral truths that I believe we have access to (such as the one not to inflict pain on a sentient being for no reason).
Torbjorn TannsjoHow could it be that I had a legal obligation to kill people I did not know, and who did certainly not consent to it, while my father's doctor could not help my father to die when my farther asked for it? My consternation brought me to moral philosophy and a life-long search for an answer to the question when and why we should, and when we shouldn't, kill.
Torbjorn Tannsjo