But Shane-O, Shane-O, you've got it all wrong, son. You see, when I pass, I'm not gonna leave my money to you! When I pass, I'm gonna leave all of my money to my beautiful daughter Stephanie... and, and whoever that guy is that knocked her up.
Triple HTrust me, lots of guys bring women up to their rooms when their wives are aren't there and get massages, it happens all the time. It means 'nothing'.
Triple HAfter crippling the big red retard tonight, over a short period of time I have run the gambit of the who's who in the World Wrestling Federation! Crippling Stone Cold Steve Austin, destroying the unstoppable Mankind; putting him out for three months and beating him for the WWF championship. And then, defending it only a week later and dominating...and, oh yeah, taking to school that little punk, your champion, The Rock!
Triple H