I read Nicholas Kristof columns. I think it was in September [2016] had he this piece look who is endorsing [Donald] Trump, who is behind him. It was the North Korean government, it was Islamic terrorists. It's the Klan. It's the American Nazi party. It seems very uncharitable to me. There was no room for people who are decent but economically beleaguered to maybe want to support him.
Tucker Carlson"The man who alters his way of thinking to suit others is a fool." Our quote of the day is, from of all people, the Marquis de Sade, the most infamous writer in all of French literature. And by the way, if you recognized that quote, you're sick.
Tucker CarlsonSo you [Nicholas Kristof] have got this new column out, 12 steps for people who say are traumatized by the [ Donald Trump] election.
Tucker CarlsonCanada is a sweet country. It is like your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving and sort of pat him on the head. You know, he's nice, but you don't take him seriously. That is Canada.
Tucker Carlson