When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at something, they'll tell you.
Walter PaytonNever die easy. Why run out of bounds and die easy? Make that linebacker pay. It carries into all facets of your life. It's okay to lose, to die, but don't die without trying, without giving it your best.
Walter PaytonI try to run on the hottest days, at the hottest time, because that's the most difficult time. And sometimes I worry about drying out, and dying.
Walter PaytonChildren have always brought a tremendous amount of joy to me and I feel that if you can catch them at a young age you can really change a life. There are a lot of studies that show that one act of kindness to these children has a 40% chance of making that child have a completely different outcome in their life. What you hope is that you can get a kid to believe in something and to believe in themselves.
Walter Payton