Present-moment living, getting in touch with your now, is at the heart of effective living. When you think about it, there really is no other moment you can live. Now is all there is, and the future is just another present moment to live when it arrives.
Wayne DyerQuietly affirm that you will define your own reality from now on and that your definition will be based on your inner wisdom
Wayne DyerAlbert Einstein once reported, "Great spirits have always encountered voilent opposition from mediocre minds." If you want to achieve your own greatness, to climb your own mountains, you'll have to use yourself as your first and last consultant.
Wayne DyerWhen I was in high school if you were black and lived in Detroit, and you wanted to drive down to Florida to go on vacation, you had to plan to drive all the way through, because you couldn't stop in a hotel all the way through South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia. We can't even fathom such a thing now, can we?
Wayne DyerBy being peaceful, quiet, and receptive, you pattern yourself in the image of God, and you regain the power of your Source.
Wayne DyerWhen you SEEK HAPPINESS for yourself, it will always elude you. When you seek happiness for OTHERS, you will find it yourself.
Wayne DyerAll excuses are nothing more than misalignments with God. Just imagine the great creative Source needing an excuse. It doesn't have any concept of, "I'm too busy. I'm too old. I'm too afraid. Things are going to take too long." Source doesn't work like that. The Tao does nothing, Lao-tzu writes, but it leaves nothing undone.
Wayne DyerThe more you extend kindness to yourself, the more it will become your automatic response to others.
Wayne DyerIt is impossible to need excuses when the focus of your life shifts from 'What's in it for me?' to 'How can I serve?'
Wayne DyerIn the recovery movement, they call what I'm talking about letting go and letting God. If you're uncomfortable with the word God, just add an o and make it Good. The two words are interchangeable. It just means allowing this divine source of kindness, beauty and creativity to be the dominant force in your life - whatever you're doing. I truly believe that God writes all the books and builds all the bridges. Sure, I sit down for six or seven hours a day with my pen and pads - but the message moves though me and I just allow.
Wayne DyerI greet every new day with the words, 'Thank you, thank you, thank you.' That's the state of mind that directs me, fulfills me, and sends me out into the world with a gift to share. It's a blessing that I have learned over a lifetime - to experience the presence of Spirit in most of my waking moments. It's a feeling of contentment and satisfaction, of peace and love.
Wayne DyerMy goodness, there's nothing that feels better than to meditate, than to get quiet, and then to be at peace, and to tell someone you love them.
Wayne DyerMotivation is when you get hold of an idea and don't let go of it until you make it a reality. Inspiration is the reverse - when an idea gets hold of you and you feel compelled to let that impulse or energy carry you along. You get to a point where you realize that you're no longer in charge, that there's a driving force inside you that can't be stopped.
Wayne DyerWe send our kids off to school to major in labeling and think the ones who do it best deserve the highest grades.
Wayne DyerNever underestimate your power to change yourself; never overestimate your power to change others.
Wayne DyerWhen you acquire enough inner peace and feel really positive about yourself, it's almost impossible for you to be controlled and manipulated by anybody else.
Wayne DyerThe ego promotes turmoil because it wants to substantiate your separateness from everyone, including God. It will push you in the direction of judgment and comparison, and cause you to insist on being right and best. You know your highest self by listening to the voice that only wants you to be at peace.
Wayne DyerThousands of children are killed by handguns in the United States each year. What is that about? What are we doing? We accept that? And we accept the presence of these weapons that are in silos and on submarines and airplanes? If any madman gets hold of them - and certainly there are madmen out there who will figure out how to get hold of them, they always have - what are we even making such things for?
Wayne DyerYour soul - that inner quiet space - is yours to consult. It will always guide you in the right direction.
Wayne DyerThen shift to intention. Not what I find missing in my life, but to what I absolutely intend to manifest and attract into my life.
Wayne DyerWe manifest from Spirit. When Spirit begins to rule in our lives, we can literally manifest or attract to us everything that we perceive to be missing. That's really the essence of it.
Wayne DyerWhen you walk into the presence of people who calibrate at the very highest energy levels, just being in their energy field, everything that is diseased or in disharmony is healed. When you bring a higher and a more loving energy to the presence of disorder or disharmony or disease, you are really bringing a healing energy. And that's what healing is involved with: It's no longer allowing yourself to wallow around in a process in which you tell yourself that you don't have the capacity to be able to transcend whatever it is that's bothering you or hurting you or killing you.
Wayne DyerMoney, success, and the external trappings have chased after me wherever I have gone. These things show up in my life, and I just keep passing them on. I don't hang onto them myself at all. I have very few needs like that.
Wayne DyerI've always had a knowing that being kind is a lot more effective than being angry. And being generous has always been a characteristic I've had; whatever I've had, I've always been willing to give away. Those are best spiritual qualities.
Wayne DyerOne of the important principles I live by is the idea that you have to contemplate yourself as surrounded by the conditions you intend to produce.
Wayne DyerDon't "pole-vault over mouse truds" - by the time you've discussed the many options available to you, the problem itself could have been long behind you had you simply disposed of those rodent droppings with a simple tissue and dumped them into the garbage!
Wayne DyerBy choosing to hang on to your corner of freedom in even the worst situations, you can process your world with the energy of appreciation and beauty, and create an opportunity to transcend your circumstances.
Wayne DyerProblems in relationship occur because each person is concentrating on what is missing in the other person.
Wayne DyerNo one can create negativity or stress within you. Only you can do that by virtue of how you process your world.
Wayne DyerIf you've ever felt inspired by a purpose or calling, you know the feeling of spirit working through you.
Wayne DyerIt is in the contemplation of what you desire that you create what it is you want for yourself
Wayne Dyer... Remember in the beginning God created heaven and earth and all that was created was good so that anything that isn't good has come about because of your belief of mind that you are separate from this divinity. You are not what you have. You are not what you do. You are not what others think of you. You are beloved. You are divine. You are a creation that is made into perfection.
Wayne DyerIn mathematics, two angles that are said to coincide fit together perfectly. The word "coincidence" does not describe luck or mistakes. It describes that which fits together perfectly.
Wayne Dyer