The gift of a common tongue is a priceless inheritance and it may well some day become the foundation of a common citizenship.
Winston ChurchillHere Churchill repeats with approval a statement he had first made in January, 1930 "at a meeting at the Cannon Street Hotel." "Sooner or later you will have to crush Gandhi and the Indian Congress and all they stand for."
Winston ChurchillThere is nothing government can give you that it hasn't taken from you in the first place.
Winston ChurchillI am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.
Winston ChurchillWe must be very careful not to assign this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations
Winston ChurchillYou can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.
Winston ChurchillThis beginning with Audacity, or being thrown into the middle of it, is already a very great part of the art of painting.
Winston ChurchillI was shown a picture by Cรฉzanne of a blank wall of a house, which he had made instinct with the most delicate lights and colours.
Winston ChurchillLittle did we guess that what has been called the century of the common man would witness as its outstanding feature more common men killing each other with greater facilities than any other five centuries together in the history of the world.
Winston ChurchillI am reminded of the professor who, in his declining hours, was asked by his devoted pupils for his final counsel. He replied, 'Verify your quotations.
Winston ChurchillThe painter wanders and loiters contentedly from place to place, always on the lookout for some brilliant butterfly of a picture which can be caught and carried safely home.
Winston ChurchillI had a feeling once about mathematics - that I saw it all... but it was after dinner and I let it go.
Winston ChurchillThere is the solution which I respectfully offer to you in this Address to which I have given the title "The Sinews of Peace."
Winston ChurchillIn all the twelve years I was at school no one ever succeeded in making me write a Latin verse or learn any Greek except the alphabet.
Winston ChurchillThere is only one duty, only one safe course, and that is to try to be right and not to fear to do or say what you believe to be right. That is the only way to deserve and to win the confidence of our great people in these days of trouble.
Winston ChurchillIt is not given to princes, statesmen and captains to pierce the mysteries of the future, and even the most penetrating gaze reaches only conclusions which, however seemingly vindicated at a given moment, are inexorably effaced by time.
Winston ChurchillBessie Braddock: "Winston, you're drunk. Churchill: "Bessie, you're ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober.
Winston ChurchillNo one can understand history without continually relating the long periods which are constantly mentioned to the experiences of our own short lives.
Winston ChurchillWhen someone says to me, Ugh, you smoke. I reply, Ugh, you're ugly. I can quit smoking.
Winston ChurchillThere are two processes which we adopt consciously or unconsciously when we try to prophesy. We can seek a period in the past whose conditions resemble as closely as possible those of our day, and presume that the sequel to that period will, save for some minor alterations, be similar. Secondly, we can survey the general course of development in our immediate past, and endeavor to prolong it into the near future. The first is the method the historian; the second that of the scientist. Only the second is open to us now, and this only in a partial sphere.
Winston ChurchillI do not resent criticism, even when for the sake of emphasis; it parts for the time with reality.
Winston ChurchillAchievement is not last, disappointment is not deadly: It is the mettle to proceed with that matters.
Winston ChurchillIt is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.
Winston ChurchillIf the Almighty were to rebuild the world and asked me for advice, I would have English Channels round every country. And the atmosphere would be such that anything which attempted to fly would be set on fire.
Winston ChurchillI thought of a remark . . . that the United States is like a 'gigantic boiler. Once the fire is lighted under it there is no limit to the power it can generate.' Being saturated and satiated with emotion and sensation, I went to bed and slept the sleep of the saved and thankful.
Winston ChurchillA politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen.
Winston ChurchillIt was the nation and the race dwelling all round the globe that had the lion's heart. I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar.
Winston ChurchillI am never going to have anything more to do with politics or politicians. When this war is over I shall confine myself entirely to writing and painting.
Winston Churchill