Within our perceived weaknesses and imperfections lies the key to realizing our true strength.
Yongey Mingyur RinpocheHappiness and unhappiness are not primarily created by the material world or the physical body. First and foremost, they are decisions of the mind.
Yongey Mingyur RinpocheThough we may be genetically wired for temporary happiness, we've also been gifted with the ability to recognize within ourselves a more profound and lasting sense of confidence, peace, and well-being. Among sentient beings, human beings appear to stand alone in their ability to recognize the necessity to forge a bond between reason, emotion, and their instinct to survive, and in doing so create a universe-not only for themselves and the human generations that follow, but also for all creatures who feel pain, fear and suffering-in which we are all able to coexist contentedly and peaceably.
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche