Invoke Happiness in Your Life: 5 Steps to Activate the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction states that when you think of something, sooner or later you invoke it into your life
Nadya HamdanPhoto via
Have you heard of the law of attraction? It is the basis of a philosophy that generally states that positive or negative thoughts bring corresponding positive or negative experiences.
You can find information about this philosophy in hundreds of self-help books that discuss the law in depth and provide practical guidelines to change your thinking and get the most out of the law. At their core is the understanding that when you think about something, sooner or later you invoke it into your life. Like when you think of someone and they call you, or when you fear an unpleasant situation and it happens just that way, or when you want something to happen very badly and you finally get it.
Today I offer you five steps to test the law yourself and attract happiness into your life:
Set your goals
It sounds too obvious, but often in our lives we are too chaotic and don't know exactly what we want. The first step to making your dreams come true is knowing what they are. If you already have specific desires, great, then you have something to start with. If not, you can make a list of dreams and goals you want to accomplish in different areas of your life such as career, money, relationships and health.
Visualise your dreams
The next step is to force yourself to think about them often enough. This seems to be the hardest step - not giving in to negative thoughts and not allowing yourself to have pessimistic expectations about the future. Here's an example of how to visualize your goals. In the evening when you go to bed, put down the phone and the TV and let yourself fall asleep imagining the house with all the details - how many rooms it has, what style it is, what color the walls are, does it have a yard and what does it look like, how many floors is it... You get the idea. Visualize all the dreams that are important to you, but do it often enough. Visualizing your dreams once is not nearly enough. Another good visualization option is to make a board to depict your dreams on. On it you can pin a picture of your dream house or destination, your favorite people, write inspirational thoughts and whatever else makes you happy. When you're sad, think of your house /or any other random dream/ or just look at the board. Even if you don't activate the law of attraction, at least you'll feel better. You lose nothing.
Take time to detach
A big obstacle on the road to dreams is stress. It usually overwhelms you to the point that you forget about dreams, visualizations, and positivity in general. And one of the best weapons against stress is detachment. Find time for yourself. Time where you're not pressured by deadlines, problems, negative people, other people's expectations, and anything that causes you stress. You can take a hot bath, meditate, exercise, walk in nature or whatever activity calms you down and makes you forget about the stress. Make this time a mandatory part of your weekly schedule and don't cancel it. Allow yourself to postpone your worries and problems by an hour, they won't escape.
Make your morning routine
Morning is the most important time of our lives. It determines how the day will go and what mood we will be in. You've probably noticed that when you have a jittery morning, nothing goes right afterwards. So make sure your mornings are as happy as possible. If you have to, start getting up 20 minutes earlier. Spend those 20 minutes on an activity that makes you happy. You can allow yourself to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, make a delicious breakfast or take a refreshing shower, you can spend the 20 minutes on your favorite hobby, dancing, listening to music, running or whatever else makes you happy.
Practice gratitude
This is an extremely important step on the road to happiness. Dreams will have a hard time making their way to the ungrateful person. It may be cliché for you to call to be grateful to be alive or have a roof over your head, but the truth is that until you learn to appreciate what you have, it's hard to get anything more. One of the tips that Australian screenwriter, producer and author Rhonda Byrne gives in her book The Magic is to mentally list everything from your day that you are grateful for every night when you go to bed. Remind yourself in detail of everything good that happened to you today, even if it's as small as someone making their way into your queue. Finally, choose the best of all the events. This will give you a positive thought to end your day with.