A friend of mine helped me find my confidence by trusting the knowledge that I was not alone in writing my first book. She helped me wake up to the fact that I had a source of creativity that was my true creative nature and when I embraced it and asked for this presence in my life, I felt as if the dam of the Niagra Falls had burst and all sorts of wonderful things started to happen when I found my voice. It has been a process ever since and I am now a big advocate in the message that we are not alone and we all have ample creativity within us if we just trust it.
Agapi StassinopoulosOne of the things I tell young people - and older people too - is that when things don't happen that you want, don't drown in discouragement. We say, "Oh, this didn't happen, so nothing good will happen." Don't barricade yourself.
Agapi StassinopoulosIf you're going to live in the anxiety of the surface of this world, you're never going to find the depth, the source. If you want calmness, you've got to go deeper.
Agapi StassinopoulosWhen there is spirit and light, the dark forces of whatever is hidden and suppressed - like hatred and separation - become more powerful.
Agapi StassinopoulosHow many times have you prayed or asked or said you needed help, when suddenly somebody showed up in your life? We are all connected through our thoughts.
Agapi Stassinopoulos