What made so many people so upset when Steve Jobs died was that he was a kind of combination of daddy - in this relationship between the machine and ourselves - and also he was our guide. He was the one who led us to look into the mirror. He created these devices that became extensions of ourselves. Suddenly, he wasn't going to hold our hand as we went from product to product, which became increasingly about who we were.
Alex GibneyI don't think Steve [Jobs] started Apple as a scam. But he understood early on the power of marketing. The idea of the computer as a bicycle for the human mind - I think that was something he believed.
Alex GibneyThe internet connects us all and provides this fabulous fact-checking mechanism, and yet at the same time, the power of lies is conveyed much more efficiently now because they're accepted so fast.
Alex GibneyIf people are portrayed as monsters, we become disconnected from them, and to me that is not remotely interesting.
Alex GibneyFundamental problem in American democracy is that we are allowing congressmen and senators to be bought and sold like sneakers.
Alex Gibney