Now that Mandela has been released from prison we can all admit what has been apparent, that he is not a Tembu tribesman, in fact he is not an African at all. He is quite obviously Chinese. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but it makes those who persist in seeing him as a great African statesman look rather foolish.
Auberon WaughStrange how much simple wisdom there is to be found in the deformed head and unprepossessing carcase of your typical London cabbie.
Auberon WaughGenerally speaking, the best people nowadays go into journalism, the second best into business, the rubbish into politics and the shits into law
Auberon WaughThere is an old story about the boy at Eton who committed suicide. The other boys in his house were gathered together and asked if any of them could suggest a reason for the tragedy. After a long silence a small boy in the front put up his hand: 'Could it have been the food, sir?
Auberon Waugh