As you get bigger, you have to learn to delegate. It's also an excellent way to get staff involved in the company's operations.
Azim PremjiThere are millions of children today who don't attend school. However, education is the only way to get ahead in this country.
Azim PremjiThe Indian community in Canada has integrated much better than the Indian community in United States. They've become really Canadian at the same time as keeping all their Indian characters and customs and social groups.
Azim PremjiI was 21 and had spent the last few years in Stanford University Engineering School at California. Many people advised me to take up a nice, cushy job rather than face the challenges of running a hydrogenated oil business. Looking back, I am glad I decided to take charge instead. Essentially leadership begins from within. It is a small voice that tells you where to go when you feel lost. If you believe in that voice, you believe in yourself.
Azim Premji