Death is unimportant to a yogi; he does not mind when he is going to die. What happens after death is immaterial to him. He is only concerned with life-with how he can use his life for the betterment of humanity. Having undergone various types of pain in his life and having acquired a certain mastery over pain, he develops compassion to help society and maintains himself in purity and holiness. The yogi has no interest beyond that.
B.K.S. IyengarWhy should you practice Yoga? To kindle the divine fire within yourself. Everyone has a dormant spark of divinity in him which has to be fanned into flame.
B.K.S. IyengarThe needs of the body are the needs of the divine self, which lives through the body.
B.K.S. IyengarAs long as the body is not in perfect health, you think about it, and that prevents you from thinking of the mind. The sound mind is a sound body.
B.K.S. Iyengar