Vulnerability is not about fear and grief and disappointment; it is the birthplace of everything we're hungry for.
Brené BrownCourage is a value. My faith is the organizing principle in my life and what underpins my faith is courage and love, and so I have to be in the arena if I'm going to live in alignment with my values.
Brené BrownThere really is "no effort without error and shortcoming" and there really is no triumph without vulnerability.
Brené BrownSomeone asked me very recently why I have 8 million views on TED - "your work resonates, what are you doing?" What I think my contribution is, what I do well, is I name experiences that are very universal that no one really talks about. That's the researcher in me; that's really part of being a grounded theory researcher - putting names to concepts and experiences that people have. That's the researcher part.
Brené Brown