One of the most painfully inauthentic ways we show up in our lives sometimes is saying "yes" when we mean "no," and saying "no" when we mean "hell yes." I'm the oldest of four, a people-pleaser - that's the good girl straitjacket that I wear sometimes. I spent a lot of my life saying yes all the time and then being pissed off and resentful.
Brené BrownVulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness.
Brené BrownJoy, collected over time, fuels resilience - ensuring we'll have reservoirs of emotional strength when hard things do happen.
Brené BrownAuthenticity is also about the courage and the vulnerability to say, "Yeah, I'll try it. I feel pretty uncomfortable and I feel a little vulnerable, but I'll try it!"
Brené BrownWe cannot grow when we are in shame, and we can't use shame to change ourselves or others.
Brené Brown