There are certain yoga laws and principles that are, shall we say, less tangible than others. For example, the law of karma. Science has proven what goes up must come down, but that's about as far as it's gone. To believe that for every action, word, and thought, there is an equal consequence takes something more intuitive, more personal; it's more metaphysical.
Bryan KestIf we want to try again, then try again. The point is we have free will to act and accomplish along with the peace of knowing whatever happens is what needs to happen in order for nature to fulfill its destiny, which we are part of.
Bryan KestWe are acting on our desire; there is nothing wrong. Just remember if it does not pan out, if our desires go unfulfilled, it's perfect!
Bryan KestJust as the seasons change and the honey bees pollinate the planet and make honey, we are also doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing. We also are apart of nature, certainly not separate from nature.
Bryan KestEverything is unfolding perfectly. As this perfection unfolds, I learn and grow and become all I'm becoming.
Bryan Kest