Listen Wanderlei, I will do a home invasion on you. I will cut the power to your house and the next thing you'll hear is me climbing up your stairs in a pair of night vision goggles I bought in the back of Soldier of Fortune magazine. I'll pick the lock to the master room door, take a picture of you in bed with the Nogueira brothers working on your 'jiu-jitsu'. I'll take said quote unquote photograph, post it at, password - not required, username - not required. That, Wanderlei, is how you threaten someone. Dummy.
Chael SonnenI hate downtime. I hate it so much. I like to relax like anybody else, but I hate not doing anything. In my life I'm either going full speed or I'm at a stop.
Chael SonnenThey'll tell you failure is not an option. That is ridiculous, failure is always an option. Failure is the most readily available option at all times. But it's a choice. You can choose to fail or you can choose to succeed.
Chael SonnenMachida is not a bad guy; he's a victim of the brazilian education system. There are better ways to get electrolytes than drinking piss.
Chael SonnenIf Michael Bisping ever addresses me in a public comment again, I will bury him where he stands.
Chael Sonnen