Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, Instagram, all these companies are businesses first, but, as a close second, they're demographers of unprecedented reach, thoroughness, and importance. Practically as an accident, digital data can now show us how we fight, how we love, how we age, who we are, and how we're changing. All we have to do is look.
Christian RudderText is, in some ways, on the way out, unfortunately. There are dating sites now that are just pictures.
Christian RudderA great piece of advice for online dating is to stand out from the crowd. So greetings like "hello" and "hi" are very common. They do less well than things that are a little bit quirky or a little bit weird, like "howdy" or "holla." The rarer your salutation, the better it does, in general.
Christian RudderBecause the way love works in general, you don't need everybody to like you somewhat - you need one person to like you a lot.
Christian Rudder